Titelverzeichnis (Deutsche Literatur) :
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Titelverzeichnis (Fremdsprachen) :
Hinweis: Gedichte/Lyrik diverser Autoren interpretiert findet Ihr unter ´Poems´
E/F/G/H Interpretationen zu englischer Literatur |
Educating Rita |
Eduard II |
Education of Henry Adams |
Ethan Frome |
Fahrenheit 451 |
Faukner´s Short Stories |
Farewell to Arms |
Farewell to Manzanar |
Frankenstein |
Fifth Child, The |
Fountainhead |
Giver |
Glass Menagerie |
Go Tell it on the Mountain |
Gone with the Wind |
Grapes of Wrath |
Great Expectations |
Great Gatsby, The |
Gulliver´s Travels |
Hamlet |
Heat & Dust |
Handmaid´s Tale, The |
Henry IV |
Heart of Darkness and the Secret Sharer |
Henry V |
High Windows |
House of Mirth |
House of the Seven Gables |
Huckleberry Finn |
I/J/K/L Interpretationen zu englischer Literatur |
I Know why the caged bird sings |
Iliad |
Importance of Being Earnest |
Inherit the wind |
Invisible Man |
Jane Eyre |
Jazz |
Joy Luck Club |
Jungle |
Julius Caesar |
Killer Angels |
King Lear |
Leaves of Grass |
Lord of the flies |
Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit |
M/N/O/P Interpretationen zu englischer Literatur |
Macbeth |
Malcolm, Autobiography |
Measure for Measure |
Medieval Literature |
Merchant of Venice |
Metamorphoses of Ovid, The |
Midsummer Night´s Dream |
Miss Dalloway |
Moby Dick |
Moon Palace |
Much ado about nothing |
Night |
Nineteen-Eighty-Four |
Night |
Odyssey |
Of Mice and Men |
Oedipus Trilogy |
Once and Future King, The |
On the road |
One flew over the Cuckoo´s Nest |
One Language, many voices |
Oranges are Not the Only Fruit |
Othello |
Our Town |
Paradise Lost |
Picture of Dorian Gray, The |
Poems of Sylvia Plath |
Poems of William Wordsworth |
Poems of W.B. Yeats |
Poems from Different Cultures and Traditions |
Poems of Tennyson, Alfred |
Postwar Literature |
Pride and Prejudice |
Prince |
Pygmalion |
Q/R/S/T Interpretationen zu englischer Literatur |
Raisin in the Sun, A |
Return of the Native |
Robinson Crusoe |
Red Badge of Courage |
Remains of the Day |
Renaissance Poetry and Prose |
Richard II |
Richard III |
Romeo and Juliet |
Scarlet Letter, The |
Separate Peace, A |
Shakespeare |
Sonnetts |
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight |
Slaughterhouse Five |
Snow falling on Cedars |
Streetcar named Desire, A |
Sula |
Tale of two Cities |
Taming of the Shrew |
Tar Baby |
Tempest |
Tess of the D´Urbervilles |
Their Eyes were watching God |
Things Fall Apart |
Tortilla Curtain |
Things they carried |
Thoreau, Emerson und Transcendentalism |
To kill a Mockingbird |
To the lighthouse |
Treasure Island |
Treasure Island and Kidnapped |
True West |
U-Z Interpretationen zu englischer Literatur |
Uncle Tom´s Cabin |
View from the Bridge |
Walden |
White Devil, The |
Who´s afraid of Virginia Woolf ? |
Woman of no Importance |
Wuthering Heights |
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